Should there be any problems with any of our handmade woodland creatures please read the following

What is your return policy?

Returns and Exchanges
In the unlikely event that you are not happy with you purchase, you have 14 days to return items in their original packaging, with proof of purchase. You will then receive a refund. You are responsible for the safe return of the item.
Sarah recommends you return items using a delivery service that insures you to the full value of the goods, such as Royal Mail Special Delivery. Sarah cannot be held responsible for items that are lost in transit. The cost of returning the item to Sarah is your responsibility and your original postage costs will not be refunded unless the item you receive from Sarah is faulty.

Specially commissioned or personalised items cannot be exchanged unless faulty.

For returns, please email Sarah: prettyvintage@sky.com with the following details: Name, details of the item that you are returning and also your reasons for the return. All items must be returned in the original unused condition that they were received in, the original packaging.

Please send your returned item to:

26 Lower Street
West Sussex
RH20 2BL


Custom items/Special orders
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any item that you have seen or to discuss a commission.
Special orders and customised pieces can take longer depending on the complexity of the piece, but Sarah will discuss this as part of the commissioning process.
For more information about commissioning Sarah, please contact her on the contact page.

What are the payment options?

We accept Credit/Debit card payments.
Alternatively if you prefer to pay by cheque please contact us for details.
At our shows we also accept cash payments.


If you are buying an item of Stitch’n’Shenanigans as a gift, please add a note in the special instructions section at checkout and a gift note rather than an invoice will be included. You can also request messages to be included in the parcel for the recipient.

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